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Steward Board


The Steward Board of Friendship AME Church attends to the Spiritual Health and Financial Health of the church. They assist The Pastor and ministerial staff in carrying out the church program that fosters and increase spiritual maturity in the body. As we carry out the great mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, The Steward Board is providing prayer, encouragement to the members of the church and serving as role models of excellence in being about our Father's business.​


-Steward Emeritus-

Sallie H. Hilton

Melba T. Richardson

Walter G. Brown Jr

Anthony R. Major 

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Trustee Board

Sis. Ronata German-Turner
-Trustee Pro Tem

  • The Trustee Board is responsible for the temporal concerns of the church. Trustees are charged with safeguarding all of the church's real estate and other properties and for making improvements when necessary. Trustees are nominated by the Pastor and elected annually by the congregation.~

Trustees in the African Methodist Episcopal church have the responsibility of all church property. This includes management, maintenance, development, and use of property under the direction of the church’s Official Board for the support of the programs approved by the congregation. The Trustees are stewards of the property that has been entrusted to their care.

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Class Leaders Council

Sis. Mary Alice Ravenell
-Council President

The Class Leaders' Council is an organizational unit of Friendship AME Church that connects each church member to the local church. As sub-pastors, we are charged with the responsibility of helping each member work out their own salvation.

​Mission of Class Leaders:

  1. ​To serve as a liaison between the pastor and church membership

  2. To assist in providing spiritual support in times of need to all class members

  3. To identify special needs and abilities of class members, and make recommendations to the pastor.

​Our goal is to help generate and maintain an atmosphere of fellowship within the church family.


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Horry-Bennett Women's Missionary Society

Sis Jacquelin H. Richardson

The Women's Missionary Society (WMS) of the ​​African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) â€‹â€‹is an international faith-based, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), granted Special Consultative Category II Status in 1985 in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

The WMS is composed of over 800,000 members located across four continents in thirty-two countries. We are in the forefront of works of mission, at the head of the Church, operating from the highest level within each of twenty Episcopal Districts and reporting to every meeting of the General and Annual Conferences.

​As the Women's representational entity of the AMEC nationally and worldwide, the WMS has a record of 131 years of service committed to winning souls to Christ, health, economic, peace and justice issues. The WMS hosts an annual conference at the United Nations every October at which members of the various agencies and components of the United Nations offer workshops and seminars on current global issues. The WMS has established a Foundation to support education through scholarships and social and economic development for the diversified constituencies we are privileged to serve.

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Boards 1-4

The Stewardess Board assists in caring for God's house. The work of the Board is a sacred trust, and calls for women who are willing to work in the background. We assist the Pastor with Baptisms, Holy Communion, Funerals, Weddings, and any other way he may need assistance.

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Lay Organization

Bro. Tajai B. Jenkins

​The objectives and purpose of the Lay Organization are outlined in its Constitution. The main objectives are stated in brief as follows:

  1. ​To create a love and appreciation of the History and Principles of African Methodism.

  2. Keep the memory of Richard Allen alive.

  3. Respect Constituted Authority.

  4. Stimulate and Educate the Laity in the Total Program of the Church.

  5. Study the Discipline and learn the laws of the Church.

  6. Encourage Financial Support of the Church's Program.

  7. Teach and Practice Stewardship and work with the Youth to teach them Methodism.

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Security Team


Division of the Trustee Board

The Security Team at FAMEC Mission is to provide a safe worship experience for our members and visitors. Security Team members are licensed to carry firearms.

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